Saturday, July 19, 2008

My cRaZy Lehi Weekend

Well, I just got back from Lehi. I was helping my sister with her kids and helping to get my neice and nephew situated because they have just moved in with her. It was a crazy trip to Wal*Mart this morning but we lived. :) I helped her with making dinner, with keeping the kids happy while she painted, and keeping them entertained. It was really helpful for me to be there and it was fun to go visit my cute nephews and neice!!! (Even though we had some sad kids at times whether because of a toy or because of an ouie, they lived and we lived so it's all good.)
I also had a great time helping Tori paint the boy's room and next week we are painting the girl's room. :) The boy's room is blue on 3 walls, and green on one, (Sounds silly, looks AWESOME!) and the girl's room is going to be a lilac color on 3 walls and a soft pink on one. (Once again, sounds silly, looks AWESOME!)
Last night, we babysat Tori's neighbor's little boy. He was not very happy when adler wouldn't play, or when the kitty cat didn't want him, but all in all he had a good time. (I think. . . :)
Yesterday, the power even went out. A truck that was too small to be carrying a mobile home, was driving down the road and the mobile home got un-latched and ran into the mini community's power box. We were only without power for a little while, maybe an hour or so, but it was the adventure of the day. Also, while the power was out,Tori wanted me to bring the kids outside to play so she could shampoo her front room. As we were about the go outside, I said "Tori, how are you gonna Shampoo the carpet without electricity?" and she replied. "Oh. Yeah. Thanks for pointing that out. I am scatter-brained today." So it was silly I guess.

Well, that's pretty much what I did for my weekend and it was so fun to visit my family!

1 comment:

Amie said...

Good job blogging, sis. I'm sure Tori was thankful to have your help this weekend. You rock!