Sunday, August 24, 2008

First Week in 7th. . .

Wowzers. It has been a crazy week! 7th grade, man it's interesting. It's fun, but it's just hard to zig zag through the school trying to find your classes, go to your locker, and be in your seat by the time 5 minutes is up. It doesn't help when one calss is room 72 when your other class is in room 28. Oh man it is hectic, especially when you have people running every which way! :s It's still fun though.
Anyways, it's also fun because I have a lot of classes with teachers that know a lot of people in my family. So it's fun to hear about when they were in their classes.
Seventh Grade is awesome and I will keep you updated!

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

7th GRADE IN A WEEK!!!!!

Oh-my-heck! I am so EXCITED FOR 7TH GRADE TO START!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I truly can't wait and I REALLY wish it started Yesterday but I'm not that lucky. :/ Haha Well I got all of the classes that I wanted and I AM VERY EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!I am going to have so much fun! (Well at least I hope so! :) I am so phsyced to have a locker and to be in different classrooms all day and I can't even try to explain how EXCITED I AM !!!!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)