Sunday, August 9, 2009

A Big Bad 8th Grader...

Oh yeah, it's that time of year again. School's Starting!!! I am SO psyched for 8th grade, and it's coming up fast!
My Schedule for eighth grade is:
1st Semester: 2nd Semester
1. T/A- Mrs. Fraser 1. Blank (Another Elective
2. Algebra B- Mr. Brinkerhoff--------------------------------------------|
WP: Mr. Wiedmann---------------------------------------------------------|
3. US History- Mr. Austin------------------------------------------------|
4. Spanish 1- Senora Suarez----------------------------------------------|
5. Science- Mrs. Lyman---------------------------------------------------|
6. CTE Business- Mr. Allred 6. Social Dance- Mr. Mcintire
7. Enriched English- Mrs. Bridgstock-------------------------------------|

I love my schedule (ESPECIALLY the fact that I'm in SOCIAL DANCE) and I can't wait for school to start in just 11 days!