Saturday, February 7, 2009

It's a Small World...

Alright. So, there is this boy in my drama class at school named Thomas, and we have a lot in common. He has 11 brothers and sisters, how often do you meet someone with 11?! Also, between his oldest sibling and his youngest sibling, there are twenty years. JUST LIKE ME! We both have brown hair and blue eyes. (That is kinda common but still.) AND-- Today when I went to my brother's Church ball game, the same boy was on the other team, playing against my ward. I couldn't believe it. I was torn during the game because I wanted to root for Thomas, but I didn't want to ignore our ward. I was rooting for both teams. I even got mad at my brother because he knocked over Thomas a bazillion times. It was embarrising though because Thomas kept going over to where I was sitting and the ball kept going out of bounds. He had to throw in the ball right by me. He is sooooooo cute.... Anyways....
I hope I didn't bore you with this post!


Beth said...

Tess, i know a thomas, is he an 8th grader?

unstoppable said...

yep. Thomas Finch. he is a cutie
:D :D :D :D :D :D
GUESS WHAT! at lunch on friday, he was leaving his table cause he was done eating so i yelled "THOMAS I LOVE YOU!!!" But I hope he didn't hear me, but it was loud----- :D